The Directors, David Stere and Clive Bowley have long experience in Architectural and Conservation fields and manage the practice of seven staff.



David Stere  Director, has worked at the practice since qualifying in 2003. He is involved in all aspects of architectural design and specialises in the construction process, project management and 3D visualisation.

Clive Bowley Director, IHBC, former Principal Conservation Officer at the well-respected Conservation Section of Canterbury City Council, has brought 30 years of conservation and design experience to the Practice and specialises in all traditional architectural detailing and design, and heritage consultancy.K


We delight in the beauty and craftsmanship of ancient buildings and the quality of the environment created within historic settlements.

We consider it important that our interventions respect the work of others and preserve and enhance the special character of both historic buildings and places.

Using our knowledge of traditional construction design we aim to continue the traditions of the past, to create subtle interventions that preserve their special character.

Whilst this often involves traditional design and detailing, we also recognise that changes in use and lifestyle often require more contemporary approaches and we relish the challenge of reconciling these requirements to create exciting interventions and contrasts within the historic context.

We have a special affirmation for the quality of urban design found in unspoilt historic settlements that have been created, either as a result of conscious design or by the more extensive processes of history.

Our approach to historic places is to respect their special character and, with our interventions, we seek to respect this character or repair and reinstate it where it has been damaged by inappropriate modern development.